Isabel and Tagai

It so happened that almost all Baby Dragons from second hundred flew away to their new homes. And often they flew away on that day when I finished them. I didn’t have time to admire them enough how I had to follow the tracker number … That is why every photo message about the successful […]

Happy new year!

The main joy of this year: the site, launched in August. It is still not fully completed, but the bulk of the work is behind. First of all, I want to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to Leigh Lee, who responded and helped to install a wordpress on my host, and then helped […]


Cross-posting continues! The creative workshop Adelkawalka hosted Klyonushka (VK and Instagram) – they post works with their eyes, and I recently discovered them for myself. And now I share. And also I introduce a special tag for Baby Dragons with Adelkawalka eyes. Because there will be many such Baby Dragons! Their site is very good […]


It is very symbolic that I started my own website after finishing the first hundred Baby Dragons. The same number of things are ready, if not more. So I have a lot of work … I would also like to thank Lilith for helping me with the installation and configuration of the site. Thanks!